At UNIVERSAL, we have a complete crew available for you – for every type of project, every form of property management and for any problem. Experience and expertise gained over decades… utilised for your goals.
To support the management and development of the company the advisory board is an important forum for the strategic orientation of UNIVERSAL. Experienced personalities from the construction and real estate world enrich the management with valuable expertise here.
portfolio management
investment | divestment
since 2010
Managing Partner of UNIVERSAL Real Estate Associates GmbH
seat on the Supervisory Board of SynergyOnline AG
member of the Executive Board of Cenda Invest AG
Head of Department and authorised officer holding a general power of attorney at Deka Immobilien Investment GmbH, dealing with restructuring
member of the Executive Board of Universal Immobilien AG in the IBAG Group, asset and portfolio management
Managing Director of Bavaria Liegenschaftsmanagement GmbH, management and workout
establishment of the consultancy firm Gauer Liegenschaften GmbH, with subsequent takeover by Bankgesellschaft Berlin GmbH, construction management and restructuring
assistant to the management, Specker Group, project development
development and operational management of the commercial subsidiary of a housing association
real estate and residential property agent | professional training at Boenigk & Nagel Group; Ratingen-Hösel Private Academy of the Real Estate Industry
Rüdiger Gauer
real estate and residential property specialist
key project
– financial restructuring | restructuring of the real estate sub-group Bankgesellschaft Berlin with approx. € 3.3 billion in assets under management
– restructuring | restructuring of Deka Immobilien Investment GmbH and real estate investment funds, responsibility for the investment division with a transaction volume of approx. € 2.3 billion
restructuring, portfolio management, investment | divestment
Guido Riepe
Qualified Savings Bank Business Economist
key project
– responsibility as Manager of Portfolio Management for a real estate portfolio to the tune of approx. € 9 billion
– liquidation of a property development company operating throughout Germany
finance, restructuring, portfolio management, management accounting
portfolio management
management accounting
since 2010
Managing Partner of UNIVERSAL Real Estate Associates GmbH
seat on the Supervisory Board of value AG - the valuation Group Berlin
Managing Director of E&P Holding GmbH & Co KG, Managing Director and Labour Director of Neue Dorint GmbH, Managing Director of SenVital GmbH until the successful sale of the nursing home operator to another company group
Investment Funds Manager of Deka Immobilien Fonds und Deka Immobilien Europa, restructuring of fund assets totalling € 7 billion
spokesman for the Management | liquidator of Bavaria Objekt und Baubetreuung GmbH, restructuring of the company with 600 employees, 20 branches and a portfolio of € 1 billion.
employed at various banks, focusing on the fields of business consultancy, corporate banking, real estate lending, workout, restructuring, in the co-operative banking sector
Qualified Savings Bank Business Economist |Academy of the Municipal Savings Banks and Banking Business, Bonn
Qualified Savings Bank Business Economist | German Savings Banks Academy, Hanover
Savings Bank Merchant | Osnabrück District Savings Bank
investment | disinvestment
real estate | project finance
real estate development
since 2014
Director Investment Management at UNIVERSAL Real Estate Associates GmbH
Chief Operating Officer at I.Q. Projektmangement GmbH, Berlin
Head of Risk Management and Finance at IBAG Group
Head of International Financing at Immobilien- und Baumanagement der Bankges. Berlin
Project Manager Corporate Financing at ARWOBAU, Bankgesellschaft Berlin Group
Team Manager, expansion at the Eastern European Branch of CECO Leasing AG, Switzerland
Management Consultant for Treuhand Anstalt, Berlin
Studies of Economics and Information Technology at the Technische Universität Berlin
Jan P. Verworner
Diplom Kaufmann (~MBA)
key project
– reorganisation and divestment of the mortgaging business of ARWOBAU and incorporation to the Bankgesellschaft Berlin Group
– financial restructuring | restructuring of the real estate sub-group Bankgesellschaft Berlin with approx. € 3.3 billion in assets under management
– restructuring of an existing property portfolio
investment | disinvestment, real estate | project finance, real estate development, restructuring
Guido U. Longo
Diplom-Kaufmann (FH)
key project
– sustainable portfolio management
– development, construction and distribution of high-quality residential real estate in greater Ruhr area
– M & A mandate for the takeover of a golf course by a hotel group
– analyzes | concepts for leading hotel companies in terms of QM, CRM, MICE
value investment, asset and portfolio management, project development and management
value investment
asset and portfolio management
project development and management
since 2018
Senior Consultant to UNIVERSAL Real Estate Associates GmbH
various mandates as consulting business economist for real estate, hotels and golf courses in fields of management, quality management, customer relationship management, MICE
since 2010
Chief Representative of a private asset management in terms of real estate and capital investment
operational management of a private asset management
since 2001
Managing Partner of Longo GmbH, Bochum (founded 1951)
Basic Certificate shipping industry investments, Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg
Study of Business Administration | International School of Management ISM Dortmund and FFH Hamburg (Dipl.-Kfm. FH) with various internships in banks and companies
asset management
warranty management
building and architectural law
since 2014
Senior Consultant to UNIVERSAL Real Estate Associates GmbH
trainee in the building and architectural Law Department at Salans LLP, Berlin
freelance work at Dehl, Engineering Consultants, Project Control | work for Bankgesellschaft Berlin AG, warranty and complaints management, construction management
Kühn Malvezzi, Architects, blueprint and approval planning for the Hotel Cap Vermell, Majorca
freelance work at ebp, Engineering Consultants, Halberstadt, approval and execution planning
attended Law School at Humboldt University, Berlin, 1st state examination
degree course in architecture | Technical University, Berlin and Universidad Técnica de Sevilla
Katja Holmer
Qualified Architect, Ph.D student in Law
key project
– international project management and approval planning for a new hotel development in Spain
asset management, warranty management, building and architectural law
Bernhard Strobl
Qualified Civil Engineer
key project
– new construction of the Hypo-Bank Headquarters in Munich, approx. 800 € million – developing residential and commercial estates in Thuringia, worth approx. € 100 million – project development at Zerndorfer Weg, Berlin for Groth Group, 120 semi-detached houses, worth approx. € 30 million – new development of the InterCityHotel, as well as the new construction of a Malteser care home in Essen, worth approx. € 20 million – new development of headquarters for ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company in Ruwais) – new stadium development in Djeddah | Saudi Arabia
project development, consulting, project and cost management, inter-disciplinary coordination
project development
project and cost management
inter-disciplinary coordination
since 2010
building project management at UNIVERSAL Real Estate Associates GmbH
since 2005
consultant to construction companies and project developers of residential and commercial property in Germany and the United Arab Emirates, focusing on economic optimisation and resolving conflicts
since 2000
member of the Chamber of the Construction Industry in Berlin as a consultant engineer
development, construction and sale of high quality residential property in Greater Berlin
establishment of CONFOR GmbH as Managing Partner
project management on behalf of DEMOS, new development of 500 residential units
developing industrial and residential estates in Thuringia, residential and hotel construction
civil engineer in Salzburg, site supervision/project management
assistant to the management in regard to the new development of the Hypobank Headquarters in Munich, site supervision
Appointed Civil Engineer by the respective Federal Ministry
Qualified Architect | TU Graz
strategic advice
interim management
since 2013
Managing Partner of BMT-1-KJK Betriebs GmbH and BMT-KJK Beteiligungs GmbH
since 2012
Managing Partner of Karl-J. Kraus & Partner GmbH
since 2010
Chairman of the Advisory Board of UNIVERSAL Real Estate Associates GmbH
since 2010
Managing Partner of Karl Kraus & Co HC GmbH
since 2008
Teaching assignment in the field of company reorganisation at Heidelberg University
since 2007
Managing Partner of New Energy GmbH & Co. KG
since 2006
Managing Partner of KJK Management und Beteiligungen GmbH
Senior Advisor at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Roland Berger Beteiligungs GmbH
Chairman of the Management Committee for Germany of RBSC
appointment to the Management Committee of RBSC
made a Senior Partner at RBSC, Head of the (global) Reorganisation Competence Center
made a partner at RBSC
Project manager and Head of a Division at RBSC
Head of Sales and Marketing in the Fichtel & Sachs Group
since 2013
Member of the Supervisory Board | Medical Park AG
since 2011
Chairman of the Advisory Board | Vautid Gmbh
since 2009
Member of the Senate of the Economy
since 2008
Member of the Supervisory Board | Tapetenfabrik Begrüder Rasch GmbH & Co. KG
since 2008
Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Board | HgGUR Beiratsvorsitzender | HgGUR
since 2006
Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board | GROB-Werk GmbH & Co. KG
since 2006
Member of the Supervisory Board and Chairman of the Investment Committee | Konrad Hornschuh AG
since 2002
Member of Berlin Capital Club
since 1990
Member of VBKI Verein Berliner Kaufleute und Industrieller e.V. (reg. association of Berlin traders and industry tycoons)
Dipl.-Betriebswirt (~MBA) | studies of business administration
property development
project management
since 2018
Member of the Advisory Board of UNIVERSAL Real Estate Associates GmbH
since 2017
Managing director of ArtProjekt Real Estate GmbH in Berlin in Berlin
Foundation of ALPHA Austria - Strategic Facility Management Consulting and Green Building Audits
Foundation of the real estate consultancy kai.plan GmbH in Vienna kai.plan GmbH in Vienna
Area Manager at Frankonia Eurobau Projektentwicklung - acquisition and execution of developments in the offices Berlin, Hamburg, Warsaw
since 2008
Teaching assignment for Real Estate at the University of Economics and Law Berlin
Managing director at Mautner Markhof Immobilien Entwicklungs GmbH in Vienna - conception of a closed Real Estate fund
Director of the department BauTec (project development/ construction technology/ stock management) at DEKA Immobilien Invest GmbH in Frankfurt a.M. - restructuring of the fund company / project development / workout
Entry into IBAG (Immobilienholding der BankGesellschaftBerlin) - Head of management at BAVARIA Projektentwicklungs GmbH
Authorship and coordination of the EU research project "urban relaunch"
Co-founder of the interdisciplinary planning and service platform plan-4-21
Foundation of the architecture office S/K SchluderKastner in Berlin
Foundation of the architecture office S/K SchluderKastner in Vienna
Work in various architecture offices in Vienna
since 2010
Accreditation at the Austrian Association of RICS
since 1992
Member of the Berlin Chamber of Architects
Real Estate Economist (ebs) | European Business School Berlin
Graduate Architect | Technische Hochschule Karlsruhe and Technische Universität Wien
Real Estate / Investment review
project development
asset management
digitization processes
since 2019
Member of the Advisory Board of UNIVERSAL Real Estate Associates GmbH
since 2013
Managing partner of interfaceMA GmbH, Berlin (digitization tools and processes for the real estate industry)
since 2008
Managing Partner of BMP Immobilienentwicklung Berlin GmbH (project development and asset management)
since 2006
Sole managing partner of DEVAL Entwickeln+Bewerten GmbH (valuation / project development / participations)
Managing partner of akm: entwickeln+bewerten GmbH (real estate valuation / project development)
Managing director of various companies at IBAG-Gruppe (residential and commercial)
Real estate expert/ property valuer at Bayrische Hypothekenbank AG
Construction manager at Philipp Holzmann AG
since 2018
Chairman of Value AG the valuation group
since 2009
Main shareholder and CEO of Value AG the valuation group (real estate valuation nationally and internationally)
Certified real estate appraiser CIS HypZert (F/M)
Architectural studies, Degree Dipl. Ing. (FH)
Harald Müller
Graduate engineer (FH) architecture
Key projects
Project developments hotel / office / shopping center each > € 50 million
Establishment and management of the largest German owner-managed valuation company
Establishment of a leading company for digitalization in the real estate industry
Real estate / investment valuation, project development, asset management, digitalization processes